textual syntax

英 [ˈtekstʃuəl ˈsɪntæks] 美 [ˈtekstʃuəl ˈsɪntæks]




  1. This is not a textual search, it actually strips out variable names and constants and performs comparisons against the syntax tree.
  2. We are fully compatible with Xtext ( a tool that provides you a textual syntax for your domain model) and EEF ( a tool that provides you a form representation for your domain model).
  3. Computing languages are more natural and efficient to most of us based on a textual syntax.
  4. Cohesion, as an important category in contrastive textual linguistics, mutual-infiltrates and influences with so many related subjects as stylistics, translation studies, aesthetics, syntax and pragmatics, etc.
  5. In the next three chapters, from the viewpoints of textual rules, vocabulary, syntax and rhetoric, using the relevant research methods of modern stylistic, analyses the different stylistic characteristics of "Sutra-pitaka"," Vinaya-pitaka "and" Abhidharma-Pitika "according to their selected corpus.